Dynaplug has long been one of our favourite brands here on Freewheel. Tubeless solutions just dont get any better than the many wonderful products from the California-based brand. But their new invention - the Covert - really does take practicality, style and subtlety to a new level. Basically, the Covert is a Dynaplug that fits handily into the ends of your drop-bar bike and lets you carry four plugs in an otherwise fairly useless part of the bike.
How does it work, you ask? Well good question. If you're worried about unravelling that painstakingly-wrapped bar tape, then put that fear aside. The plugs do push in just like a conventional bar-end plug, but instead of pulling them out whenever you want to use them, you instead unscrew the flat end to reveal two hidden Dynaplugs (that's two on each side, so four in total). Struggling to get your head around that? Check out the picture below and all will become clear.
Now we know some of you are thinking 'but what if we have five punctures?'. To be honest, five punctures in a ride means you should probably just give up on the day and go home. If that's not a sign then we dont know what is.
Seriously though, for something like gravel riding then the Covert is a no-brainer. Everyone likes to carry things as easily as possible when they're out riding, and this is a sure-fire way to make sure you don't get a few miles away before realising that you've left your puncture kit at home (we've all done it).
If you want to check out the Covert in a bit more detail, the product page on Freewheel is right here, and of course you can also find all the other fantastic products Dynaplug makes.